Monday, February 11, 2008

Designing Spring...

Polls are closed. Thanks to everyone who voted. The winning idea was Flowers and the decision was to make it a scene instead of a single object. I've actually finished designing this one today during my daughters afternoon nap. Its taken longer than I expected it to because I am working with such a small graph. It is somewhat difficult to squeeze alot into such a small area and have it look just right. Theres no margin for error. Overall I am extremely pleased with the outcome and I'm sure everyone will like it as well. I will say this though. It will be a bit more challenging than the heart or santa cloth, but I'm sure you will all do fine and enjoy every minute of knitting it as I did designing it. I'm hoping to do a couple this spring. We have some great holidays coming up, and I have lots of people to make cloths for. All the hearts on Ravelry are melting mine... They look Fantastic! Love, love, love!

The Spring Cloth will be up sometime after Valentine's Day.


  1. Can't wait to see your spring dishcloth pattern! Thanks so much for sharing your great designs.

  2. I just found your blog from a link posted on knitting message board. Your House and Santa and Valentine designs are amazing! It may be after midnight but I off to rummage in the stash to see if I have some Peaches 'n Cream cotton yarn so I can start on one of them tonight...Thanks!
