Monday, January 19, 2009

Winter is upon us.

Although I'm longing for some sun I can't help but love the beauty that is Winter. I took my camera out the other day and had a little fun around my neighborhood.

It seems that all we're doing these days is shoveling or throwing some salt down. We haven't had a big snowstorm yet, just a few inches here or there. I know my son would love to have enough snow to jump in. Ella has another cold. Or maybe it's more teeth coming in. But every night like clock work the fever spikes up again.

I'm still playing around with some new patterns, graphic editing and test knitting is what goes on for most of the week during my free time. Thankfully I'm used to cleaning up as I go or this house would be atrocious! Valentine's Day Cloths are just days away from being published. For the spring I'm dreaming of dyeing yarn again. I made some beautiful colorways last year and it's all I've been thinking about as of late. I might even attempt to make enough to sell. I really need to set up my etsy one of these days.


  1. I can never get pictures of the snow falling those came out great

  2. That's one of the very few things I do NOT miss about the midwest. It's beautiful but I hated driving in it.

  3. yep, it really does look like new york! hope you and yours are fully thawed by now :)

  4. Great post.Keep on posting.I love this cute blog!

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