Monday, February 23, 2009

Mondays Are Long Days.

Everything is back to the normal routine around here. The holidays that kept friends and family from work or school are gone and It's just me with the kids again. I don't mind spending the time with my children, in fact I cherish it and I'm thankful that I can be here to watch them grow everyday. Though after a fun filled week with lots of friends and late bedtimes Monday did sneak up on me. I'm swimming in laundry, cleaning, toys and work and it's going to take me all week to catch up.

Right now I'm working on two free St. Patrick's Day cloths for everyone. I designed a larger cloth and a matching smaller scrubber as well. Hopefully I'll have everything up in a day or two so there will be plenty of time to make them for March 17th.

I took some time to myself last week to knit a few things for baby showers that keep popping up. My Mom's boss and a friend's cousin are both having baby boys next month and as soon as I take the pictures out of my camera I'll post them up.

Spring has been calling to me, even though the temperatures haven't. We've been stuck in this house for too long. I don't have the car during the day so if we need to get out for something it takes about half an hour just to locate everything to bundle up and walk out the door. Hopefully March won't bring too much snow, I'm ready for June.

I'll leave you with Ella's "I didn't do it." face. This little baby cracks me up to no end. Hopefully she'll leave you all with a smile as well.


  1. I am excited to see the St. Patty's Day pattern! Your children are absolutely precious! I could stand to look at faces like that all day :). That little girl is going to get out of, or into, lots of trouble with that pouty face!!

  2. OMG the cuteness! they look delish

    can't wait to see the St Pat's patterns too

  3. Your kids are so adorable! Wonderful photos.

  4. Your children are beautiful.

  5. Your kids have the most amazing eyes!!! WOW!

  6. You sure have beautiful babies! :-)
    SO CUTE!!

  7. Cute kids with beautiful brown eyes ;). I kind of surfed into your page the other day - must have been through a Norwegian knit-blog. Must say - so glad I did ;)...

  8. beautiful babes!
    looking forward to your St Pats cloth.

  9. Her didn't do it face is too cute!

    Yay on St. Patty cloths!

  10. Your children are absolutely beautiful!

    Excited about the St. Patty's Day designs and also holding my breath for the Spring ones! MIL will be getting those for her birthday! I wish I could use a pair of mittens-those are the cutest but TX doesn't require them! LOL =)

    You are SO talented!

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